How to Write Better Headlines Every-time Like A Pro?

"Better Headlines trends lead to Better Copy"

Finding the best headline for your story can be challenging. Great headlines can bring in waves of reader attention and subscribers which are vital for any Brand. If you struggle to apply techniques for writing great headlines you are not alone. Many times the right hit line does not come right away.

There are many steps you can follow to create a compelling headline:

  • Be Clear : What's arrangement and punctuation can affect the meaning of your Headline. Be clear and direct, with your word selection and avoid using obscure words or acronyms that can confuse everyday readers.
  • Practice : Brainstorm different headlines readers for the same article, and make a list of your best attempts. Read each header aloud to determine which sound the most straightforward, concise and compelling.
  • Avoid Puns or Clichés : Creating a header that doesn't fit your Brand's tone can make your reader change their mind about reading your writing. If you are going to use play on words keep it fresh and original avoid using alliteration If they don't suit your brand's tone.
  • A/B testing : Considered using A/B testing. Create two headlines and find which one is Performing better for you and your targeted audience.

● Here are some practical tips ;) : 

there aren't any fixed rule on the best format for headline. 

But I have always found that "How to" headlines works well a lot of times opening these:

> How to save ₹500 a week on your family's food bill?

> How to impress even the most spectacle ballroom judge?

If you want to add a sense of newsiness, the simplest trick is to add "NOW": at the beginning of any headline.

Try to keep headlines as short as you can under 16 words is good, 10 words is better. (But there are also plenty of examples of controlling pulverizing headlines longer than either of those numbers.)

Remember you are not trying to write the whole pitch just enough to get readers interested

● Use storytelling techniques :

> They laughed when I sat down at the piano, but when I started to play (a classic)...

> He started life on the wrong side of the track now he is running a company.

Use Journalistic Headlines : 

> The secrets of fine wine collecting revealed 

> 290 ways to cut your tax bill.

> Smells better: is this ultimate aftershave ?

In case of emergency break glass :

Step 1: Complete this sentence : My product helps my customers because it. . .

E.g. My product helps my customer because it saves them money when they buy their new car. 

Step 2: Cut everything up to and including "It"

E.g. Saves them money when they buy their new car.

Step 3: Change 'them' and 'they' to 'you' (and tweak the rest as necessary)

E.g. Save money when you buy your next car.

Step 4: Add 'NOW: An easy way to' at the beginning

E.g. NOW: an easy way to save money when you buy your new car.

Headlines are too important to waste on lame clichés "AHH! that's intriguing" teasers. This goes double online, when people are even more impatient. 

If you do nothing else what's with your next headline spill out your main benefit and remember if your reader can say "so what ?", it's not a Benefit.

There you have it pal!

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See you in the next one! Stay tuned. PEACE✌


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